Moses' page

Moses was my husband's dog, he was found as a casualty of a road accident, and was taken to the vet by a friend , No one ever claimed him and my other half kept him, He was a big shaggy coated lad, very handsome and nice natured, hated my cat, Tibby, who had to live out the rest of her life in the girls bedroom using the window to exit and enter. though she did outlive him. We had him at the same time as Kerry and Numa, so it was a busy household. Unfortunately his bad start in life took it;s toll when he got older and died of kidney failure when he was about 6 or 7. I was fond of him but it was rather spoiled be the fact that 'the other half'...  though he knew Jack Squit, about dogs wanted to control things, liking to remind me that he was 'his' dog  though I was expected to take him out for walks and do all the other necessary things. I was with him when he died as the other half wouldn't get out of bed to tend him, I think he was in denial.
 My memory of him is sullied by the fact that acquiring him was the reason for having to part with Numa, I can't blame the dog, it was not his fault.


  1. You're right, it surely wasn't the dog's fault.
    What a beautiful face Moses has. It's so gentle and soft looking. Darn shame he didn't like cats. Actually, darn shame the husband was there.
    Opps, sorry, couldn't resist.
