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Tarc at 14 so many memories in between. |
Here is Tarc’s page, A dog to be reckoned with
Tarc was born 1st January 1982 and died on 6th June 1996.
After a lull of two years after Kerry died, a decision was taken to have another dog, after making various enquiries in the dog world I was put on to a gentleman in Bristol who had bred dogs for the Police, Off we went and I was lucky enough to have the pick of the litter, His kennel name was ADDCROSS EMPEROR he was primarily German bred.He was a handful of a dog, if you asked him to do something his attitude was ‘make me’ He taught me so much about dogs as he really was a strong presence. He was the epitome of GSD character, totally loyal and fearless, if you minded your own business and didn’t try to interfere in mine or his – he was OK, but a few people didn’t take note of this, wondering why a squirt of a girl like me should be the ‘boss’ of a macho dog like him 'they' tried to show me how to master him, A big mistake, you didn’t try to master Tarc, you understood that you had to gain his respect and he yours, and that worked. He did bite three of the top trainers who didn’t quite understand that, and thought they could do better than I. One went to get him from the car while I was judging to let him relieve himself, Tarc caught sight of me and wanted to come over, Danny said no, leave her and come this way, ‘pardon’ ?said Tarc, turned, and showed his teeth , Danny decided discretion was the better part of valour and let him go. hee, hee. another friend, Derek wanted to handle him and got the same reception, he forever after called him the Pirrhana, another, Mike Farrington, a highly regarded trainer who had competed at Crufts, also tried to handle him and he unfortunately felt his teeth. I realized then that he wasn’t going to be handled by others. Aside from my son in law, with whom he got on well , probably because he was a kindly person and not pushy. Don’t get the wrong impression, Tarc wasn’t sharp like Kerry, he just liked to keep people at a distance and look after his own.
He didn’t let my ex come too close either, and would grumble if he tried. LOL. [I think he was trying to get his own back for Numa]
One night a man tried to get into my car when it was parked at , I hadn’t locked it as the dog was inside and when he tried the handle, Tarc roared and threw himself at the door, I never saw anyone backtrack so quick, the whole car was rocking, luckily the guy didn’t open it.
He didn’t let my ex come too close either, and would grumble if he tried. LOL. [I think he was trying to get his own back for Numa]
One night a man tried to get into my car when it was parked at , I hadn’t locked it as the dog was inside and when he tried the handle, Tarc roared and threw himself at the door, I never saw anyone backtrack so quick, the whole car was rocking, luckily the guy didn’t open it.
He was also dominant with dogs, anything bigger than a spaniel gave way to him, he’d only have to look and they’d turn away, yet I’ve known little Jack Russels and Yorkies walk under his belly, Joggers and children could run past him without any fear, he obviously knew they were no threat . He wouldn’t leave my side if a man stopped and spoke to me, he just stood there and watched. I didn’t go far with him in competition, he was really just too headstrong, he’d have been better suited to Police work or Trials. But I loved him dearly and felt safe as houses when he was around. We always reckoned that he was put on this earth to look after me, or who-ever else was fortunate enough to be owned by him, and I felt privileged it was me. He did mellow when he got older he was 14.1/2 when he died. He woke me in the early hours of the morning of the 6th June ’96 moaning, I patted his belly for comfort and discovered it was rock hard and bloated, he was very sick, I phoned the vet and had a dash to the surgery 5 miles down the road at 3 am, they couldn’t save him, he was too old and too far gone, I lost my best friend that day, I could tell so many tales about him but it would take too long and it would bore you, sleep well my big bold boy, keep everyone in order, even Hell would be a safe place with you there.
Oh darn it, I am sobbing yet again. I'm fine through the stories as they are all fascinating, but Arlene, when you get to the part about the end of their lives, I just fall apart. Wheww, I'm just no good at endings.
ReplyDeleteI'll tell you one thing, though; I'd have had Tarc over any husband I had. It would have been very nice to have loyalty and protection like that.....sure didn't see it from my ex's. Ick.
Nor me Jenny, that's why I love my dogs.